Energy, not time is the fundamental currency of high performance. -Jim Loehr
How to Avoid Unintentional Derailment
I’ve recently learned the hard way, that I must manage my energy or it will manage me producing outcomes that are not helpful in moving towards the person I want to be. I am passionate and tend to wear my heart on my sleeve. I am protective and will advocate for “my people”. My kids will tell you that sometimes they don’t want to be advocated for! I tend to spend a tremendous amount of energy on knee-jerk reactions to situations where I feel people are being bullied or mistreated and need a defender. I’m learning, that when I don’t take time to be quiet with my thoughts, write in my journal, get grounded, or just take a breath before responding, I can find myself in a very reactive place feeling utterly depleted. I call this unintentional derailment!
I’m glad that I have a forgiving husband, a forgiving God, and a family who loves me and knows that my intentions are good. This kind of supportive environment allows me to take the first step to manage my energy when I find myself completely out of whack! How do I begin you ask? I stop! I stop whatever I am doing and take some time to write out my thoughts. If I need to cry, I allow the tears to come. Sometimes just stopping motion, stopping trying so hard, and taking a time out can help recalibrate and begin to get back on track. If the wheels have fallen off, we need to stop the train!
3 Tips to Energy Managment
My second and easy go-to for managing my energy is to breathe. I do a breathing exercise that you can do anywhere. Breathe in the nose for three counts and out of the mouth for 4 counts, then hold your breath for 4 counts. Begin the same sequence again. This can reset your parasympathetic nervous system and help you get calm and grounded. I also sometimes repeat the sentence, “All is well,” as I breathe. Fifteen minutes of this can be a game changer!
The third thing I do when I notice I’m off track is journal. I ask myself a series of questions. What is going on for you Brooke? How do you feel about this situation? What do you need? How would you like to proceed? I write what I’m upset about. I allow it to come out and be released. If you hold in emotions, especially negative ones, it can create further problems down the road. Once I’ve written my feelings, I usually feel so much better and many times I will get ideas of how I can solve whatever problem is at hand.
There are many ways to protect your energy and manage it when it gets off track. Meditation can be helpful and so can exercise and movement, too. The most important thing to remember is you are worth the time! When your energy is managed well, your life will be at peace, relationships will improve, and what you can achieve will be limitless! Check out my coaching packages here to get help with Energy Management and your goals!